Steven Kent - Livermore Valley

Steven Kent's motto is "Wines for those who know" and to be honest, I really don't want to tell you about this winery. You can spend a _lot_ of money in wine, and be hard pressed to find a bottle better than the ones Steven Kent is putting together. Really.
Each and every wine has a level of craftsmanship that is simply out of this world. Steven Kent is one of the most expensive wines we buy, and it is worth every penny.
We tried a number of wines, each of them divine. The Syrah is, quite simply, the best syrah I've ever had. I bought two bottles at $36 each. The Barbera, not a grape I usually am in love with, is simply fantastic. I bought a Barbera as well, for $30. The Chardonnay, a grape I usually detest, is delicate with just the right amount of sweetness, and a body that doesn't fall flat like so many Chardonnays do. This is the only Chard I've bought in the last five years. And then the Cab. Well, the Cab is one of those things that is worth making the trip to Livermore for. They were pouring two of them, and the superior one was the 2003 Home Ranch Cabernet Sauvignon. At $55 a bottle it's a steal. You read that right.
They also had large blocks of high end cheese to pair with each of the wines, and the pairings were perfect. If I'm gushing, it's because it was a great experience, as usual.
I love coming to Steven Kent, because the wines are simply astounding. I hate coming to Steven Kent because it always does great amounts of damage to my bank account. These wines are fantastic now, and will age for years, getting even better.
Now, please forget I told you any of this. Do not visit this winery and buy their wines and drive up the prices by increasing demand. Forget I said a word. Thank you.
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